
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Leprechaun Loot... with a little extra poop

So when I was twelve, there was another girl in my school with the same last name as me. I mean, the nerve of some people! {LOL} Of course I had to find out who this girl was.  Apparently, she was wondering about me too.  We met each other and we’ve been great friends ever since. 

Because of our same, very Irish, last name, we always considered St. Patrick’s Day as OUR holiday. 

We grew up, had families, and moved away from each other, but she is always on my mind this holiday.

For this St. Patrick’s Day, I wanted to make a fun little gift to send her. 

I thought how my friend is surrounded by boys, and that brought my thoughts to my youngest son and how he gets a kick out of the weirdest things.  That gave me an idea…

Leprechaun Loot… with a little extra poop”

This is so fun and easy to make!
Get a bottle or jar.  I took one of my empty Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino bottles, and pulled off the labels.  To get the sticker residue off, I used the great peanut butter method.

Fill half the bottle with the loot (AKA: Rolos).

Oh No! A wrapper defect!  Whatever shall I do? Oh wait… Got it…

Then, add the poop (AKA: Green Mint M&Ms)

Cover the top and shake, shake, shake it up!

Keep adding and shaking until the bottle is completely full.

Once the bottle was filled, I spray painted the lid green and made cute little labels to finish it off.

There you have it!  Leprechaun Loot… with a little extra poop.

***After a couple days, the contents of my bottle either settled or little leprechauns (AKA: my kids) stole some candy.  Either way, I had to add more, so be sure to keep extra candy around, just in case.***

I know my friend will absolutely love this, as well as her house full of boys. 

Is it just my family, or are ALL boys obsessed with “hilarious” farts and the mention of poop?

How do you like this idea for a gift?

Comment below to let me know!

I’ve got more St. Patrick’s Day things coming your way, so stay tuned.

Until then…

Happy DIY-ing!!!

St. Patrick's Day Fact from Global News...

Shamrocks are not Irish.
"Most clover species grow throughout Europe.
There may not be anything uniquely Irish about shamrocks themselves, but stories suggest St. Patrick used the three-leaf clover to explain the religion’s holy trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

For more facts you might not know, click here.

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