
Monday, February 29, 2016

Loveable Cherry Pie Heart Pops

It’s the last day in February, and so what am I doing? I’m giving you one… last… hearts and flowers post.  Well, more hearts than flowers. 

As I was browsing Pinterest for Valentine DIYs, I saw cherry pie pops with hearts cut out of the middle. 

I thought it would be cute to go one step farther, and make the whole pie pop into a heart.  Here’s how I did mine…

Items needed:
Pie Crust
Pie Filling
Lollipop Sticks
One Egg + water
Chocolate Chips (optional)

First, preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

Then, roll out your pie crust.  To save time, I used store bought, but there’s nothing that says you can’t make your own. 

Next, take your heart cookie cutters, and start cutting the dough.  I used a 3” heart, but left room for four 2” hearts as well.

When I had them all cut and laid out, I had enough to make five 3” pops and two 2” pops.

It’s time to spoon in the pie filling.  Not too much, or else it will seep out the sides when you place the heart on top.  Mine was mostly the liquid, but I made sure all the bigger pops had at least one cherry inside. 

When you’re done placing the filling on the hearts, make sure it’s back from the edge, close to ¼”.  This is so the two hearts will stick together without interference. 

Next, place the lollipop sticks on top of the filling.  Make sure to put the end close to the top, so the cherry pie pop won’t fall off when you pick it up. 

This is when I went a little crazy.  I wanted the little pops to be something different, something to take people by surprise.  That’s when I remembered the chocolate covered cherries that we give my in-laws for Christmas every year.  To be adventurous, I put chocolate chips in with the cherry pie filling on the smaller hearts.

Next, make your egg wash; one beaten egg and a splash of water.

Then brush the edges of all hearts with the egg wash, before placing one on top of the other.

Some filling may come out, but that’s no big deal. Wipe it up and move along.

To press the edges of the hearts together and give them that little extra flare, take a fork and push it into the crust around the edges.

Place pops on a parchment paper covered cookie sheet to prepare them to go in the oven.

For the final touches, brush tops with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. Then cut a small “X” on the top of each one.

Place in the oven and bake for around 20 minutes.  Every oven is different, so be sure to check on them when the time gets close.

Take them out and enjoy.

These pops were so cute, and the perfect little treat to show my family how I love them with my “whole heart”.

*******Family Verdict************

Hubby & I:  We both thought that it needed a stronger tasting filling since there wasn’t that much in them.  We also agreed that Apple Pie would be delicious in the hearts.

10 year old: He said that I hit it out of the park with the chocolate ones.

6 year old: He wouldn’t stop eating them to tell me what he thought.

4 year old:  She decided that she didn’t like the color red that day, so she wouldn’t even try them.  She doesn’t count.


What do you think of this idea of pie on a stick?

It seems like SO many foods now a days are on sticks.  What is your favorite food on a stick?

As always, comment below.  We’d love to see your opinions.

Until next time…

Happy DIY-ing!!!

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