
Monday, January 18, 2016

Remove Sticker Residue With… Peanut Butter?

Peanut butter… it’s not just for sandwiches and desserts anymore!

This is one of those things that I just HAD to share, because honestly, who would have thought of this?  Not me!

I needed one of my Mocha Frappuccino glass jars to make something, and so I removed the stickers.  However, it left a sticky residue behind… bummer! 

No big deal.  I just threw it in the dishwasher to get it off, but… it didn’t work.  Now what?

I went online and found this post.  It was unbelievable enough that I just had to try it.
Remove Sticker Goo

First, I spread the peanut butter over the residue, or “goo” as she called it.


Then I waited for approximately 15 minutes.  When I took a swipe off with a dry paper towel, I was amazed.  It took off the residue!

I then rinsed off all the peanut butter, leaving a thin greasy layer.  Using dry paper towels, I wiped off the rest of the peanut butter.  Holy Cow!! The glass was “goo” free.

However, was I a true believer?  Not quite.  Much to my husband’s dismay, I started going around the house and ripping off labels of glass and plastic jars alike, hoping it would leave a residue that water couldn’t take off.  Finally, I found a glass wine bottle and a PLASTIC Miracle Whip bottle (yes, it was still full, but who really needs the label).

I repeated the process from before.  The peanut butter helped take off the residue on the plastic.  It did need a little more scrubbing with my hands along with some dish soap, but it wasn’t much more work than before. 

Then there was the wine bottle.  There were two labels, one on each side.  The peanut butter took off one, but not the other, so I took rubbing alcohol to the remaining residue.  When that didn’t work, I tried cooking oil.  Yep, that didn’t work either.  Then, I tried white vinegar, then soap and water.  After all that, the residue was still there, so I just checked it off to being a mutant label that would never be fully cleaned off. 

**Yeah right, I’ll take some WD-40 to it before I let it win this battle.  My competitive nature has now kicked in, even if it is with an adamant object.**

In conclusion, other than mutant labels, peanut butter is a great and natural way to get sticker residue off of glass AND plastic.


This whole experience reminded me of the time when I got tar all over the bottom of my feet as a little girl at my grandparents’ house.  What do you think was used to clean it off?  That’s right… peanut butter!

What other unique uses for peanut butter can you think of?

Be sure to let me know if you tried this, and how it worked for YOU!

Until then…

Happy DIY-ing!

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